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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

7 of the Sincerest Quotes by Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot

Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot has experienced her fair share of hardships. Using music as an outlet, she's been able to come to terms with these experiences and use them to shape her unique sound. Here we present 7 of the most genuine quotes by Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot that illustrate the depth of knowledge she's accumulated throughout her journey. Through her words, one can learn how much pain she has endured, yet also grasp a sense of purpose and strength that comes with knowing it all.

"When you're in the flow and you're just playing to have fun and being in the moment - that's when the good music comes out."

In this quote, Julie Jewels Smoot is talking about the creative process of music making. When she's in the creative flow, she can create her best work. It's at this moment that she's able to find her flow and produce the music that speaks to her heart. This flow state is something that can be attained by any musician, and it's a powerful tool for both creativity and personal growth. When a musician is in the flow state, their creativity is unlocked, and the possibilities are endless. It's almost like an out-of-body experience, as the musicians are letting go of any preconceived notions and simply allowing the music to come through them. It is in this moment that Julie Jewels Smoot truly believes the best music can be created. It's a form of self-expression that speaks to our soul, allowing us to express feelings that words can't describe.

"I want to make music that people can feel, that can touch them emotionally."

This quote by Julie Jewels Smoot speaks to why she makes music. For her, it's not just a way to express herself or share her feelings, it's also a way to connect with others on a deeper level. She wants her music to not just entertain and make people bop their heads, but to touch their hearts and make them feel something. Through her music, Julie Jewels Smoot can take people on a journey and make them feel the same emotions she feels when she's making music. It's a form of communication that speaks volumes, even without words. She hopes her music will inspire and give strength to others, no matter what they're going through. This form of self-expression allows her to reach as many people as possible and share her message, her story, and her soul.

"I think the biggest reward for me, as an artist, is to know that I've positively touched somebody's life."

For Julie Jewels Smoot, her music is more than just a creative outlet, it's also an opportunity to make a real impact on the lives of the people who listen to it. She's passionate about helping others and making the world a better place. So whenever she gets feedback that her music has made a difference in somebody's life, she cherishes those moments and considers them her biggest reward. It's through music that Julie Jewels Smoot has been able to connect with people on a personal level, and it's those connections that drive her to make more music. She desires to share her story and make a real difference in the lives of those who listen to her music. It's these connections that make it worthwhile for her to keep making music.

"I make music from the heart, and I am as vulnerable as possible."

This quote reflects Julie Jewels Smoot's creativity and openness to expressing herself through music. She knows that her music can be a powerful tool for self-healing, and self-expression and is willing to be vulnerable to authentically express herself. She knows that music is a direct reflection of herself and takes pride in the heart and soul she infuses into her music. For Julie Jewels Smoot, it's important to make sure her music is honest and of her creation. To her, it's not about making perfect music, but rather creating music that reflects who she is and comes straight from the heart. She understands that vulnerability is key to creating meaningful music and is willing to take that risk to make sure her music is genuine.

"I just want to make good music that hopefully will make people feel good."

This quote sums up why Julie Jewels Smoot makes music. To her, it's not about making perfect music or music that gets praised by critics. Her ultimate goal is to make music that makes people feel good. She hopes that her music will bring hope and positivity, even in the darkest of times. To Julie Jewels Smoot, music is more than just entertainment, it's something that can truly transform people for the better. She hopes her music will be a balm for the soul, something that brings joy and motivation to those who listen.

"I pour my heart and soul into my music. There have been times when I am playing the Gong or hand pan where tears flow."

This quote speaks to Julie Jewels Smoot's commitment to authenticity. In her words, "I want people to feel like they can relate to the music I'm making". She wants her music to be a reflection of her heart and soul and a source of connection for those who listen. Her music is a labor of love and it's something she takes seriously. She takes the time to create lyrics that truly come from the heart and have something meaningful to say. To her, the whole process of writing, recording, and performing is a way for her to connect to people on a deeper level.

"Grief has a way of changing everything. Grief led me to play the Heart Gong. The Heart Gong is a special gong that is used to help people heal from grief. It is said to have a magical way of easing the pain and helping people to move on"

I never thought that I would become an accredited Sound Alchemist. But after I played the Heart Gong, I felt a deep connection to the healing power of sound. I knew that I had to share this with others.

Now, I help people to heal from grief with the power of sound. I use the Heart Gong and other sound healing techniques to help people move on from their loss.

Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot's sincere quotes give us a glimpse into her creative process and why she chooses to pursue music. Through her music, she hopes to spread positivity, bring joy, and be a source of connection for people around the world. These seven quotes are just a small sample of the heartfelt musings of Julie Jewels Smoot. I encourage you to explore her music and discover just how much her music can touch your soul.

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