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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

A New Guided Meditation for the Divine Feminine

Updated: Jun 7

Dear Ones,

This is a time to remember our connection to the Divine Feminine. We are all made of stardust and are connected to the same energy source. The Divine Feminine is the energy of creation, and she is within each of us.

In this guided meditation, we will connect with the Divine Feminine energy for healing and empowerment. We will imagine ourselves as strong and beautiful warriors, filled with love and compassion. We will breathe in her strength and power and allow her to guide us on our journey.

So, take a deep breath in, and let’s begin…

Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling your body relax with each exhale. Visualize a shimmering, golden light flowing down from the heavens, surrounding and enveloping you in a warm embrace. This is the energy of the Divine Feminine, the creative force of the universe. As you focus on this energy, imagine that you are standing in a lush forest, surrounded by tall trees and the gentle sound of a nearby stream. You sense that the Divine Feminine is present with you, guiding and protecting you. If you feel any tension or stress in your body, imagine that it is being washed away by the gentle flow of the stream. Let yourself become fully present in this peaceful environment, letting go of any distractions or worries. As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize that you are surrounded by a group of strong, empowered women – your sisters in spirit. They are here to support and encourage you on your journey. Together, you form a circle and call upon the energy of the Divine Feminine to fill you with strength, courage, and love. Visualize the golden light intensifying, and feel it coursing through your veins. As you breathe in this energy, imagine that you are transforming into a warrior, armed with the power and grace of the Divine Feminine. You are standing tall and confident, ready to face any challenge that comes your way. Feel the energy pulsing within you and allow it to infuse every cell of your body. Know that you are a powerful being, capable of creating and achieving anything you desire. Take a few more deep breaths, feeling the energy of the Divine Feminine surrounding you and supporting you. When you are ready, open your eyes and take a moment to appreciate the beauty and power within you. Remember, the energy of the Divine Feminine is always available to you, to guide, protect and uplift you. Embrace it fully and know that you are a beloved child of the universe.

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