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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

A Walking Meditation

Step by step, I walk along the path

Eyes closed, breath steady

The cool breeze whispers through the trees

As the sun gently kisses my skin

I am present in the moment

Each footfall a dance with the earth

The sound of my footsteps

Merge with the rustling of leaves

In a symphony of nature’s song

The rhythm of life pulsing through me

I am connected to all that is

In this sacred space of solitude

I feel the ground beneath me

Supporting my weight with each step

A reminder of the stability

That lies within me, always present

Even in the chaos of the world

I am grounded, rooted in my truth

My mind begins to quiet

As I focus on my breath

Inhaling the fresh air

Exhaling any tension or worry

I allow my thoughts to drift away

Like clouds in the vast sky above

I feel the tension in my body

Slowly begin to release

As I surrender to the flow

Of the universe guiding me

Through this walking meditation

I let go of all resistance

My senses come alive

As I open myself to the world

The scent of pine trees

The sight of delicate wildflowers

The taste of freedom on my tongue

The touch of gentle wind on my skin

I am fully present in this moment

Awake to the beauty all around me

In the simplicity of each step

I find peace, clarity, and stillness

Embracing the beauty of the journey

In this walking meditation

As I walk, I become one

With the rhythm of the Earth

A moving meditation

An affirmation of my connection

To all living beings, to the universe

In this sacred dance of life

Step by step, I walk along the path

Eyes closed, breath steady

I am grounded, present, and at peace

In the embrace of the walking meditation.

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