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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

A Wounded Soul: A Poem by Sound Alchemist Julie Jewels Smoot

Updated: Aug 18

In the depths of darkness, where shadows reside,

A wounded soul seeks solace, yearning to confide.

Through pain and sorrow, it longs to be whole,

Yearning for healing, to mend its broken soul.

Through gentle whispers of a soothing breeze,

A song of hope emerges, putting the heart at ease.

Like a tender touch, a balm for the wounds,

The soul begins to heal, to mend and to bloom.

With each passing moment, as time goes by,

The scars start to fade, no longer can they lie.

A symphony of laughter, replacing tears that fell,

A newfound strength within, a story to tell.

Through self-reflection and embracing the past,

The soul finds forgiveness, releasing burdens at last.

With each step forward, it finds peace within,

Embracing life's lessons, letting go of the sin.

In the journey of healing, the soul finds its way,

Embracing its imperfections, in shades of gray.

Strength and resilience, like a phoenix it rises,

Transformed and renewed, with newfound prizes.

So let us embrace healing, with open hearts and minds,

Letting go of the past, leaving all pain behind.

For in healing the soul, we find peace and grace,

A journey worth taking, in this sacred space

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