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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Aquamarine Singing Bowl

There lies lands of ancient where mysteries lie,

In the heart of ancient lands, where mystic secrets lie,

There dwells a sacred treasure, hidden from the mortal eye.

Bathed in the glow of a thousand suns, it sits in silent repose,

A vessel of transformation, where alchemy grows.

The Aquamarine Singing Bowl, a marvel to behold,

Its essence pure and radiant, a story yet untold.

Carved from the depths of the ocean’s embrace,

It holds the power of the water’s grace.

When struck by the hand of a skilled adept,

It sings a song of healing, a melody adept.

Its vibrations ripple through the air,

A symphony of light, a dance fair.

Each note a potion, a potion of the soul,

A magic elixir to make the broken whole.

As the sounds reverberate, they touch the heart,

And in their gentle embrace, new life will start.

The bowl resonates with the ancient wisdom,

A gift from the gods, a sacred kingdom.

It whispers secrets of the universe’s design,

A language of light, a message divine.

Its aquamarine hues shimmer and shine,

Captivating the soul, like a rare gem’s fine.

A beacon of hope in a world gone astray,

Guiding the lost back to the light of day.

In its depths are captured the spirits of old,

The mystic guardians, the stories untold.

They watch over the bowl with a loving eye,

Protecting its power, ensuring it never die.

For the alchemy of the Aquamarine Singing Bowl,

Is a gift from the heavens, a treasure untold.

It holds the key to unlocking the soul,

And bringing forth the magic, making us whole.

So let us gather round and listen in awe,

To the symphony of healing, the ancient law.

For in the song of the Aquamarine Bowl,

We find our redemption, our truest goal.

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