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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Breath

In the alchemy of breath,

We find the essence of life

A dance of transformation

A rhythm of existence

Inhale deep, the sweet nectar

Of the world around us

Exhale, releasing

All that does not serve us

Breath, the alchemist’s tool

Transmuting the mundane

Into the sacred

Creating magic in the everyday

With each inhale

We draw in the energy of the universe

And with each exhale

We release that which no longer serves us

Breath, the thread

That connects us to the divine

The bridge between heaven and earth

The key to unlocking our true potential

In the alchemy of breath,

We find healing

We find peace

We find ourselves

So let us breathe deeply

And with intention

Let us harness the power

Of our breath

Let us breathe in

The light of the sun

The beauty of the earth

The love of the universe

And let us exhale

All that weighs us down

All that holds us back

All that does not serve our highest good

For in the alchemy of breath,We find freedom

We find liberation

We find our true essence

So let us breathe

And be transformed

By the magic of our own breath.

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