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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Ocean Drums

In the depths of the ocean, where mystery reigns,

Lies a world of wonders, where magic remains.

Where the alchemy of waves and sands combine,

Creating a symphony, so divine.

The ocean drums beat with a rhythmic flow,

A dance of nature, in the ebb and flow.

They echo the heartbeat of the sea,

A lullaby for all creatures, wild and free.

The alchemy of sound, so pure and true,

Connects us to the earth, me and you.

It whispers secrets of the deep,

A timeless melody, we can keep.

The waves crash against the shore,

A roaring thunder, forevermore.

They carry stories of the past,

Of sailors lost, and treasures vast.

The ocean drums sing of love and loss,

Of joy and sorrow, of gain and cost.

Their rhythms reach into our soul,

Healing wounds, making us whole.

The alchemy of ocean drums is like a spell,

A magical potion, that weaves and swells.

It transforms us, lifts us high,

To soar with the seagulls in the sky.

The sands shift and swirl beneath our feet,

A dance of textures, so soft and sweet.

They whisper of ancient tides,

Of buried treasures, where love resides.

The ocean's alchemy is a mystery untold,

A symphony of magic, so bold.

It speaks of life in all its forms,

Of beauty, grace, and raging storms.

So listen closely to the ocean drums,

Feel their power, let them come.

Embrace the alchemy of sea and sand,

And let it guide you through this wondrous land.

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