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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Alchemy of Shamanic Drumming

Updated: Jul 8

The sacred dance of the shamanic drum,

A soulful alchemy unfolds,

A merging of worlds, of spirit and flesh,

A union of the ancient and the new.

As the rhythm beats within our hearts,

We are carried away on a journey,

Through the realms of the unseen,

Where shadows dance and spirits sing.

The drum, a potent tool of transformation,

An instrument of healing and alchemy,

Its vibrations ripple through our being,

Stirring the depths of our souls.

With each strike of the drum,

We are transported to a space between worlds,

Where the veil between worlds grows thin,

And magic flows like a river.

In the rhythm of the drum,

We find our true essence,

Our primal selves awakened,

Our spirits dancing in ecstasy.

The shamanic drum calls to us,

Inviting us to shed our masks,

To release our fears and inhibitions,

And surrender to the primal pulse.

As we surrender to the beat,

We are filled with a sense of wonder,

Of awe and reverence for the mysteries,

That lie beyond the seen and known.

The drum becomes a vessel,

A conduit for the forces of creation,

A portal to the unseen realms,

Where the alchemy of transformation unfolds.

In the alchemy of shamanic drumming,

We find healing and wholeness,

We connect with the ancestors,

And receive their wisdom and guidance.

The drum calls us to remember,

To remember who we truly are,

To remember our place in the web of life,

To remember our connection to all things.

As we drum, we honor the earth,

We honor the sky and the stars,

We honor the spirits that dwell in all things,

And we honor the divine within ourselves.

In the alchemy of shamanic drumming,

We find freedom and liberation,

We shed the layers of illusion,

And step into the truth of our souls.

The drum beats the rhythm of our hearts,

As we dance the dance of the shaman,

Weaving our way through the mysteries,

And emerging transformed and renewed.

In the sacred dance of the shamanic drum,

We find the essence of our true selves,

We find our power and our purpose,

And we are forever changed by its magic.

So let us beat the drum,

Let us dance the dance of the shaman,

And let us heed the call of the wild,

As we journey into the alchemy of transformation.

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