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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Sound

In the alchemy of sound,

There lies a magic profound,

A symphony of vibrations,

Creating endless sensations.

It begins with a whisper,

Softly dancing in the air,

Gently caressing the senses,

Stirring emotions everywhere.

As the notes crescendo,

The world comes alive,

Each tone like a brushstroke,

Painting a vivid jive.

The low rumble of a drum,

Pounds like a heartbeat,

Setting the rhythm of life,

In a pulsating repeat.

The tinkling of chimes,

Like rays of sunlight,

Dancing through the air,

A twinkling delight.

The deep resonance of a cello,

Echoes in the soul,

A haunting melody,

That never grows old.

The piercing cry of a violin,

Screams out in pain,

But also in joy,

A bittersweet refrain.

The harmonious blend of voices,

Rising in unity,

A choir of angels,

Singing in perfect harmony.

The gentle strum of a guitar,

Like a lover's touch,

Eliciting memories,

Of loves lost and such.

The playful pluck of a banjo,

Evokes laughter and joy,

A carefree melody,

Meant to enjoy.

The steady beat of a drum,

Calls forth a primal urge,

To dance and sway,

And let the rhythm surge.

The haunting howl of a flute,

Like a ghost in the night,

Whispers secrets in the wind,

A melody of pure delight.

The symphony of sound,

Is a gift to the soul,

A magical alchemy,

That makes us whole.

So let the music play,

And let your spirit soar,

In the alchemy of sound,

We find what we're searching for.

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