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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Alchemy of Spiritual

Updated: Sep 14

Dive deep into the realm of mystical and divine,

Where spirits soar and energies entwine,

Lies the alchemy of spirituality,

A journey of the soul’s deep serenity.

Through the ancient alchemical art,

Seeking to transform and to restart,

The quest for enlightenment and truth,

In the ephemeral realm of eternal youth.

The alchemist of spirit delves within,

To unlock the secrets of the soul’s kin,

With ingredients of faith and love,

Drawing guidance from the stars above.

The first step in this sacred dance,

Is to awaken the soul’s trance,

Cleansing the heart of all impurities,

Embracing purity and authenticity.

Amidst the chaos of the world,

The alchemist’s flag unfurled,

Guiding the spirit to ascend,

In pursuit of a higher trend.

Magical elements of earth and air,

Converge in the alchemist’s lair,

Mixing potions of wisdom and grace,

Infusing the soul with divine embrace.

The fire of passion burns bright,

Cleansing the darkness with its light,

Burning away the ego’s veil,

Igniting the spirit’s holy grail.

Water flows in tranquil waves,

Healing wounds that time engraves,

Washing away the pain and sorrow,

Nurturing hope for a new tomorrow.

In the crucible of transformation,

The alchemist finds liberation,

Transmuting base desires to gold,

Transforming the spirit manifold.

The philosopher’s stone within,

Unleashes the power to begin,

A journey of self-realization,

A path to higher vibration.

With each step on the sacred path,

The alchemist defies wrath,

Embracing the alchemy of the soul,

Seeking to make the broken whole.

In the silence of meditation,

The alchemist finds elation,

Connecting with the cosmic mind,

Leaving earthly cares behind.

Through the labyrinth of inner space,

The alchemist begins to trace,

The patterns of their soul’s design,

Weaving a tapestry divine.

The alchemy of spirituality,

Is a journey of great humility,

A quest for truth and inner peace

,A search for love that will not cease.

So let us raise our voices high,

in praise of alchemist's sky,

The alchemy of spirit divine,

A sacred art for us to shine.

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