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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of the Water

Updated: Aug 6

Admist, the tranquil waters, a magic lies,

Lustrous and pure, a gift from the skies.

Cascading down from heaven's embrace,

Healing, cleansing, with an angelic grace.

Elements mingling, in a dance so divine,

Myriad colors shimmer, like a flawless design.

Yielding to the alchemy of the water's touch,

A mystical transformation, oh how it's clutch.

Liquid gold, flowing through the veins of the earth,

Charging every living creature with rebirth.

Healing the wounded, soothing the soul,

Embracing us all in its watery fold.

Waves crashing against the rocky shore,

A symphony of nature, forevermore.

Twisting and turning, in a perpetual swirl,

Eternal magic, in each and every pearl.

Radiant sunbeams dancing on its surface,

A mesmerizing display, so full of purpose.

Diving deep, into its enigmatic embrace,

Emerging renewed, with a sense of grace.

Ripples spreading out, like whispers in the wind,

Softly caressing all life that's pinned.

Merging in harmony, with the land and sky,

Ever-changing, yet constant, never to die.

Luminous moonlight, reflecting in its depths,

Glistening stars, like diamond-studded nebs.

Ebbing and flowing, in a cosmic dance,

Immortalizing moments, in a timeless trance.

Navigating through its labyrinthine maze,

Tides guiding ships, in a waltz so ablaze.

Encapsulating dreams, of a world so surreal,

Revealing secrets, that only water can reveal.

Pouring forth from the heavens above,

Over vast landscapes, with a motherly love.

Transforming deserts, into lush green meadows,

Awakening life, in the most barren shadows.

Eternal cycle, of birth and decay,

Rushing rivers, washing worries away.

Springs bubbling forth, in a jubilant song,

Tenderly caressing, in a melody so strong.

Whispering secrets of ancient lore,

Antique wisdom, forevermore.

Teaching the alchemy of life's flow,

Embracing all in its watery glow.

Rippling waters, in a shimmering dance,

Gracefully leading us, in a mystical trance.

Evolving, adapting, forever in motion,

Revealing the depths of its watery devotion.

Reflecting back, a mirror to the soul,

Inviting us to embrace, to be whole.

Eternal source of life, so divine,

Nourishing, sustaining, in a seamless line.

Guiding us through trials and tribulations,

Showering us with love and salutations.

Aqua vitae, the elixir of life,

Treasuring every moment, amidst the strife.

Embracing the alchemy of the water's embrace,

Riding the waves, in a divine chase.

Whispers of wisdom, in its gentle caress,

Eternal magic, in its watery cress.

Reflecting the beauty of nature's design,

Serenading the soul, in a harmony so fine.

Ever-flowing, ever-changing, in a mystical brew,

Revealing the secrets of life, so true.

In the alchemy of the water, we find solace,

Nature's eternal embrace, in its crystal palace.

Embracing us all, in its watery dance,

Revealing the secrets of time's sweet romance.

Touching our hearts, in a gentle hush,

Embracing us all, in its watery crush.

Reflecting back, the essence of life,

Embracing us all, in its watery strife.

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