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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Tibetan Singing Bowls

Updated: Sep 14

In the valleys of Tibet, where the mountains kiss the sky,

There lies a secret art, an ancient alchemy,

Where craftsmen and monks, with hands both steady and wise,

Create bowls that sing with the voice of the divine.

These bowls are made of precious metals, copper and gold,

Forged with fire and hammer, shaped with love untold.

They are vessels of transformation, conduits of healing,

Containing sacred vibrations, ancient and revealing.

The artisans work with reverence, with prayers on their lips,

Each strike of the hammer, a sacred script.

They infuse the bowls with mantras, with intention pure,

To harness the power of sound, to create a cure.

When the bowls are finished, they are polished and bright,

Their surfaces gleaming in the soft candlelight.

Each one is unique, with its own special tone,

A symphony of vibrations, a melody unknown.

When the bowl is struck, it sings with a pure, clear sound,

A resonance that reaches deep into the ground.

It vibrates through the body, touching every cell,

Restoring harmony and balance, making all is well.

The sound of the bowls can clear away the past,

Releasing old wounds and hurts at last.

They can open the heart, filling it with light,

Connecting us to our true essence, shining bright.

In the hands of a healer, the bowls become a tool,

For channeling energy, for breaking through the rule

Of illness and disease, of pain and sorrow,

They bring healing and wholeness, today and tomorrow.

The alchemy of Tibetan singing bowls is a mystery,

A blend of science and magic, history and poetry.

It is a gift from the ancients, a treasure rare,

A reminder of the power of sound, of the love we share.

So let us honor these bowls, these vessels of light,

Let us listen to their song, let us take flight

On wings of sound, to the realms of the divine,

And remember the alchemy that in our hearts does shine.

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