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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Alchemy of Vibrations

In the alchemy of vibrations

Every sound

Every movement

Every breath

Has the power to transform

To awaken

To heal

The drumbeat of a heart

Echoing through the universe

Connecting all living beings

In a rhythmic dance of life

Each pulse a reminder

Of our shared existence

The song of a bird

Soaring through the sky

Carrying messages of hope

Of love

Of freedom

A melody that transcends

All barriers and boundaries

The whisper of the wind

Caressing the trees

Causing leaves to rustle

And branches to sway

A gentle reminder

Of the unseen forces

That guide and protect us

The laughter of a child

Infectious and pure

Bringing joy to all who hear it

A reminder that

In the midst of darkness

There is still light

There is still hope

The roar of the ocean

Crashing against the shore

A powerful symphony

Of strength and beauty

A reminder of the ebb and flow

Of life’s ever-changing tides

The crackle of a fire

Burning brightly

Warming our bodies

And our souls

A reminder that

Even in the coldest of nights

There is still warmth

There is still comfort

In the alchemy of vibrations

We are reminded

Of the interconnectedness

Of all things

Of the power within us

To create

To transform

To heal

May we listen

May we feel

May we embrace

The magic

The beauty

The wonder

Of the alchemy of vibrations.

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