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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Becoming a Peaceful Warrior

Updated: Jul 6

In the heart of every warrior lies a quiet strength,

A deep well of courage and resilience,

Ready to rise up in the face of adversity,

To stand tall against the storm, unwavering.

But the true warrior knows that strength alone is not enough,

For power without wisdom is a dangerous thing,

And so he seeks to embody not just might,

But also the gentle grace of peace.

To become a peaceful warrior is to master the art,

Of balancing force and compassion,

Of wielding both sword and shield,

With a heart full of love and understanding.

It is to walk the path of righteousness,

To stand up for what is right,

Even when the world around you,

Seems to be consumed by chaos and darkness.

For the peaceful warrior knows that true strength,

Comes not from domination or control,

But from the ability to bend with the winds of change,

To flow like water, adapting to every circumstance.

He knows that in every battle,

There is also an opportunity for peace,

For understanding and reconciliation,

For finding common ground with even the fiercest of foes.

And so he hones his skills not just in combat,

But also in negotiation and diplomacy,

In compassion and forgiveness,

In seeking solutions that benefit all involved.

The peaceful warrior does not seek glory or fame,

But rather the quiet satisfaction,

Of knowing that he has made a difference,

That he has brought a little more peace to the world.

He understands that the true measure of his success,

Is not in the number of victories he achieves,

But in the number of hearts he touches,

In the lives he changes through his actions.

And so he carries himself with humility,

With a gentle strength that belies his true power,

Knowing that true greatness lies not in domination,

But in the ability to inspire and uplift others.

So let us all strive to become peaceful warriors,

To embody the virtues of strength and compassion,

To stand firm in our convictions,

While always keeping an open heart and mind.

For in this chaotic world we live in,

It is only through the power of peace,

That we can truly find our way forward,

And create a brighter future for all mankind

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