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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Clarifying Your Vision

Clarifying your vision is no easy task

It requires intention and focus, a steady hand

To sift through the noise and distractions

And find the essence of what you truly want.

Like a diamond in the rough

Your vision may be clouded by doubt and fear

But with patience and persistence

You can uncover its brilliance and clarity.

Begin by asking yourself

What is it that ignites your soul?

What drives you to get out of bed each day?

What do you want to achieve in this lifetime?

Take the time to really listen

To the whispers of your heart

To the nudges of your intuition

And the signs from the universe.

Clarifying your vision is like peeling back the layers

Of an onion, revealing the core truth

That has been buried beneath

The expectations and obligations of others.

It requires courage to step into the unknown

To trust in your own intuition

And follow the path that lights you up

Even if it means going against the grain.

But when you clarify your vision

And align with your true purpose

You will feel a sense of peace and fulfillment

That no amount of money or success can bring.

So take the time to sit in silence

To meditate on your dreams and desires

To visualize the life you want to create

And take inspired action towards it.

Clarifying your vision is a lifelong journey

A process of discovery and evolution

As you grow and change

So too will your vision expand and evolve.

Embrace the uncertainty

And trust in the process

For the clearer your vision becomes

The more aligned you will be with your true purpose.

So don’t be afraid to dream big

To set audacious goals

And to believe in yourself

For when you clarify your vision

You are unstoppable.

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