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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Coming From the Heart

Coming from the heart,

a place of pure emotion and truth,

where words and actions intertwine

to create a masterpiece of expression.

It is a feeling that cannot be contained,

bursting forth like a river

overflowing its banks,

rushing towards its destination.

The heart speaks volumes

,its whispers echoing through the soul

and resonating with the world around it,

a symphony of love and longing.

In its depths lie secrets untold,

dreams waiting to be realized,

and fears begging to be faced,

a treasure trove of untapped potential.

Coming from the heart,

we find the courage to be vulnerable,

to peel back the layers of protection

and reveal our true selves to the world.

It is a journey of self-discovery

,a path illuminated by the light

that shines from within,

guiding us towards our purpose.

Coming from the heart,

we find compassion for others,

a deep empathy that connects us

to the struggles and joys of humanity.

It is a wellspring of kindness,

a source of healing and transformation

,a force that can move mountains

and mend broken hearts.

Coming from the heart,

we find the strength to forgive

,to let go of past hurts

and embrace a future filled with possibility.

It is a beacon of hope,

a beacon of love that never dims,

even in the darkest of times,

pointing the way towards redemption.

Coming from the heart,

we find the ability to love unconditionally,

to accept others as they are

and embrace the beauty of their imperfections

It is a gift that keeps on giving,

a cycle of love that nourishes the soul

,enriching our lives and those around us

in ways we never thought possible.

So let us all listen to the whispers

that echo from deep within,

let us follow the path that leads

to the heart’s most sacred chamber.

For in coming from the heart,

we find our truest selves,

our purest essence,

and our greatest source of strength.

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