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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Divine Feminine Flow

In the depths of the universe, a powerful force resides

A sacred energy, ancient and wise

She’s the divine feminine, shining bright

Her essence flows through day and night

She dances through the cosmos, a goddess in her own right

Her gentle touch brings peace and light

She moves with grace, in perfect harmony

A radiant being, a symphony

Her flow is like a river, always changing and growing

She’s a queen of transformation, always knowing

Her power is vast, her love unending

She’s a warrior of compassion, always defending

She’s the moon in the sky, guiding us through the dark

\She’s the sun on our faces, lighting our spark

She’s the earth beneath our feet, grounding us in truth

She’s the stars above, reminding us of our youth

She’s the mother of creation, birthing new life

She’s the healer of wounds, easing our strife

She’s the teacher of wisdom, guiding our way

She’s the protector of all, ensuring we stay

Her flow is like a dance, elegant and free

She’s a muse of inspiration, for all to see

She’s a goddess of beauty, in every form

She’s a spark of divinity, forever warm

She’s the fire within us, burning bright

She’s the water around us, calming our fright

She’s the earth beneath us, steady and strong

She’s the air above us, where we belong

She’s the embodiment of love, pure and true

She’s the epitome of strength, in all she’ll do

She’s the essence of grace, in every move she makes

She’s the embodiment of beauty, in all she takes

She’s a force to be reckoned with, a power so rare

She’s a source of inspiration, beyond compare

She’s a beacon of light, in a world so dark

She’s a goddess of love, making her mark

She’s the divine feminine, flowing with ease

She’s a goddess of plenty, her love will not cease

She’s a queen of the universe, a force to be feared

She’s a mother of creation, her power revered

So let us honor her, in all that we do

Let us respect her power, in all that we pursue

Let us embrace her flow, in every twist and turn

Let us celebrate her essence, for there’s so much to learn

For the divine feminine is a force to be reckoned with

Her power is limitless, her love a gift

So let us bow to her, in gratitude and awe

For the divine feminine is the embodiment of all.

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