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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Don't Allow Yourself to Become Depressed

Woman with hands on her head Credit Pexels

In a world full of idiots, it's easy to feel down

Their ignorance and stupidity can leave you with a frown

But don't let their foolishness get the best of you

For you are stronger than they could ever see through

Their words may sting and their actions may hurt

But remember, their opinions hold no true worth

You are intelligent, kind, and full of grace

And letting them bring you down would be a disgrace

They may try to belittle and bring you low

But don't allow yourself to sink to their level, oh no

For you are above their petty games and lies

Your worth and value far exceed their cries

Surround yourself with those who lift you up

Who see the beauty in your soul and never erupt

In anger or jealousy, like the fools of this earth

For you deserve love and respect, of infinite worth

Don't let their negativity seep into your heart

For you are a masterpiece, a work of art

Designed with purpose and intention so divine

Don't let their idiocy make you decline

Keep your head held high and your spirits strong

For you are worthy, deserving, and belong

In a world where idiots may roam free

But you, dear one, are meant to soar, you see

So don't allow yourself to become depressed

Because of the foolishness of those who jest

At your expense, their words like daggers sharp

But remember, you are a warrior, with a lion's heart

Keep fighting, keep shining, don't let them win

For you are a force to be reckoned with, within

Your soul burns bright, a beacon in the night

Don't let their darkness dim your light

Stand tall, stand proud, and never back down

From those who seek to make you drown

In self-doubt and insecurity, their weapons of choice

But you, my dear, have a powerful voice

So speak up, speak out, and never be silent

For your truth and worth are truly vibrant

Don't allow yourself to become depressed

Because of idiots, for you are infinitely blessed.

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