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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Don’t Go to Fight, Stay in Peace Where Your Power is

In a world filled with chaos and strife

Where conflict and war seem to be rife

It’s easy to get swept up in the fight

To take up arms and assert your might

But I urge you, dear friend, to pause and reflect

On the consequences of violence unchecked

For true power does not come from the sword

But from the strength of a peaceful accord

So don’t go to fight, stay in peace where your power is

Let your words be your weapons, not fists or guns

For in the face of aggression and hate

It takes true courage to negotiate

It’s easy to be swayed by anger and fear

To lash out and make our enemies clear

But the path of violence only leads to more pain

And in the end, there is nothing to gain

So stand firm in your convictions and beliefs

And let love be your shield in times of grief

For in the realm of peace and understanding

Lies the true power of humanity’s standing

Don’t go to fight, stay in peace where your power is

Let compassion and empathy guide your decisions

For in the end, it is not the strong who prevail

But those who choose love over the sword’s wail

So let us be beacons of hope in the darkest of nights

And show the world that peace is our might

For in unity and harmony we find our strength

And in the end, love will always extend.

Don’t go to fight, stay in peace where your power is

Let your actions speak louder than any war’s fizz

For in the end, it is our unity that will prevail

And in peace, we will always set sail.

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