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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Embracing Self-Love

Within the depths of my own soul, I find

A love that flows with gentle grace

Embracing self-love, I leave behind

The doubts and fears that once confined

My heart and mind in a darkened space

Within the depths of my own soul, I find

A light that shines, a truth that's kind

A love that never fades or betrays

Embracing self-love, I leave behind

The critic's voice, so cruel and unkind

I silence it with a smile on my face

Within the depths of my own soul, I find

A newfound sense of peace of mind

A freedom that I never thought I'd taste

Embracing self-love, I leave behind

The need for validation from humankind

I stand tall in my own worth and grace

Within the depths of my own soul, I find

A love that is truly one of a kind

Embracing self-love, I leave behind.

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