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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Establishing Safety

Updated: Jul 6

Safety is a feeling,

A sense of security,

A refuge from the chaos of the world,

Like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.

It is the assurance that everything will be okay,

That you are protected and cared for,

That you can let down your guard,

And truly be yourself.

Safety is not something that can be bought,

Or manufactured,Or forced upon someone,

It is something that must be created,


And maintained.

It starts with establishing boundaries,

Setting limits,And communicating expectations,

So that everyone knows where they stand,

And what is acceptable behavior.

Safety is about respect,

And trust,

And understanding,It is about listening,

And being heard,

And believing that your feelings are valid,

And important.

It is about creating a space,

Where vulnerability is welcomed,

And mistakes are forgiven,

And growth is encouraged,

And love is abundant.

Safety is about building a community,

Where everyone feels valued,

And included,And supported,

Where differences are celebrated,

And conflicts are resolved,

And connections are deepened.

It is about recognizing that we are all human,

And imperfect,And deserving of compassion

,And grace,

And second chances.

Safety is not something that can be achieved overnight,

Or with a checklist,

Or a set of rules,It is a lifelong journey,

A commitment,

To creating a culture of care,

And empathy,

And belonging.

It is about being willing to confront our own biases,

And prejudices,

And fears,

And to challenge the systems,

And structures,

That perpetuate harm,

And inequality.

It is about being brave,

And bold,

And relentless,In the pursuit of justice,

And equity,

And liberation,

For all.

So let us roll up our sleeves,

And get to work,

Building a world that is safe

,And just,

And kind,

For everyone.

For safety is not a luxury,

It is a fundamental human right,

And we must do everything in our power,

To ensure that it is accessible,

And attainable,

For all.

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