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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Every Mile Mattered

Updated: Apr 9

Every mile mattered, every step taken

Each footfall a testament to perseverance

Through sweat and tears and exhaustion

The journey continued, never faltering

The road stretched out endlessly before me

A winding path of uncertainty and doubt

But with each mile conquered, a sense of accomplishment

A feeling of pride and determination

The sun beat down relentlessly, its heat oppressive

But the cool breeze whispered words of encouragement

Every mile mattered, bringing me closer

To the destination that called out to me

The weight of the world rested on my shoulders

But with each step, it lightened

My burden lessened, my spirits soared

As I pushed forward, never looking back

The memories of the miles behind me

Echoed in my mind, a chorus of triumph

Each struggle, each triumph, each defeat

A part of the fabric of my journey

Every mile mattered, every obstacle overcome

The hills and valleys, the highs and lows

The joy of reaching the summit, the pain of the descent

All woven together in a tapestry of experience

The road was long, the path uncertain

But with each mile, I grew stronger

More resilient, more determined

To face whatever lay ahead

The world passed by in a blur of motion

But I remained steadfast, my eyes fixed on the horizon

Every mile mattered, every breath taken

A reminder of the journey that was mine alone

And as I reached the end of the road

I looked back with a sense of wonder

At the miles I had traveled, the obstacles I had faced

And I knew that every mile had mattered

For each step had brought me closer

To the person I was meant to be

Every mile mattered, every moment cherished

As I stood at the edge of a new beginning.

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