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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Finding Peace

In the chaos of life’s ceaseless race,

We yearn for a moment of solace and grace.

Through tangled thoughts and worries untamed,

We search for a path where peace is reclaimed.

In nature’s embrace, we find respite,

Beneath the stars, where darkness is alight.

The gentle whisper of wind through the trees,

Guides us towards tranquility, where the soul is at ease.

In the stillness of morning’s first light,

As dawn paints the sky with colors so bright,

We awaken to a world serene and still,

Where inner turmoil begins to be distilled.

In the depths of our hearts, we search and explore,

For the wisdom and courage to open the door.

To let go of burdens that weigh us down,

And find the calm in which peace is found.

Through meditation’s gentle embrace,

Our racing minds find a slower pace.

In the quiet corners of our own mind,

Peace emerges, leaving worries behind.

In acts of kindness, our spirits rise,

As we connect with others, love fills our eyes.

For in giving and sharing, we find release,

And the beauty of peace is granted increased.

So let us seek peace in every day,

In the simple joys that come our way.

Embrace the stillness, let go of strife,

And find the peace that brings new life.

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