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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Grief Changed Me

Grief changed me in ways I never thought possible

It seeped into my bones and settled deep within my soul

Like a shadow that never fades, it followed me everywhere

A constant companion in my darkest hours

I used to be carefree, full of laughter and light

But now I am weighed down by the burden of loss

Every smile feels forced, every laugh hollow

As I navigate this new world without you by my side

I find myself staring off into the distance

Lost in memories of days gone by

When you were still here, breathing and alive

And my heart didn't ache with the pain of your absence

I try to fill the void with distractions and busyness

But the emptiness remains, a gaping wound that never heals

I long to hear your voice, to feel your touch

But all I have are echoes of the past

I am a different person now, marked by sorrow

My once bright eyes now dull with sadness

My once light step now heavy with grief

I am a shadow of who I used to be

But in the darkness, there is a glimmer of hope

A faint light that guides me through the storm

I know that the pain will never fully go away

But I also know that I am strong enough to bear it

So I carry on, one day at a time

Navigating the labyrinth of loss and heartache

Knowing that you are with me in spirit

And that love will always transcend death

Grief changed me, it is true

But it also showed me the depth of my own resilience

And taught me that even in the darkest hour

There is still beauty to be found

So I embrace this new version of myself

With all its flaws and scars

Knowing that each tear shed is a tribute to the love we shared

And that one day, the pain will give way to peace.

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