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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Grief has Changed Who I Am

Updated: Jul 6

As I walk through the shadows of my past,

I feel the weight of grief like stones upon my chest,

It has changed me in ways I never thought possible,

It has altered the very essence of who I am.

Grief has woven its dark tendrils into the fabric of my being,

It has seeped into every corner of my soul,

Leaving me a shattered shell of who I once was,

A mere echo of the person I used to be.

I remember a time when laughter came easily,

When joy danced in my eyes and love filled my heart,

But now all I see is the emptiness of loss,

The gaping hole where happiness once resided.

Grief has stripped me of my innocence,

It has stolen my naivety and replaced it with wisdom,

I have seen the depths of despair and the heights of hope,

And I have emerged from the darkness forever changed.

I have walked through the fires of grief and emerged unscathed,

But the scars they have left behind cannot be erased,

They serve as a reminder of the pain I have endured,

And the strength I have found within myself.

Grief has transformed me into a warrior,

A fighter who will not be defeated by the trials of life,

I wear my scars as a badge of honor,

A testament to the battles I have won.

I have learned to embrace the pain of grief,

To hold it close and let it shape me,

For without it I would not be the person I am today,

Strong, resilient, and unafraid to face the darkness.

Grief has changed who I am in ways I never imagined,

But I am grateful for the lessons it has taught me,

For the strength it has instilled in my soul,

And the wisdom it has carved into my heart.

So I will walk this path of grief with my head held high,

Knowing that each step I take brings me closer to healing,

That the person I am becoming is a testament to the power of love,

And the resilience of the human spirit.

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