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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Guided Meditation for the Five Senses

Updated: Jun 26

Now, please close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose, and exhale slowly through the mouth. With each breath, feel your body relax a little bit more.

Now, we will begin with the sense of sight. Please begin by looking around the room you are in, or the place you are seated. Notice the colors, the shapes, the light. Pay attention to any detail that you can. Now, slowly begin to blink your eyes and allow your vision to become blurry. Focus on the sensation of blinking and the feeling of your eyelids coming down over your eyes.

Now, we will move on to the sense of hearing. Listen to the sounds around you. What can you hear? The sound of birds chirping outside? The sound of cars passing by? Notice any background noise such as the hum of the air conditioner or the buzz of the light bulb above. Now, pay attention to the sound of your breathing. Follow the breath as it moves in and out of your body. 

Now, let’s move on to the sense of touch. Take a moment and observe the sensation of your body against the chair or the ground. Pay attention to the sensation of your clothes against your skin and the feeling of your feet against the floor. Notice the texture of the ground or chair beneath you. 

Now, let’s move on to the sense of smell. Take a deep breath through your nose and notice what odor you can detect. It may be a pleasant scent like the smell of flowers or the scent of freshly brewed coffee. Perhaps it is an unpleasant odor like the smell of cigarette smoke or something stale. Notice the different sensations and how they affect your body. 

Finally, let’s move on to the sense of taste. Notice the sensations that arise when you put your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Can you detect anything? Is it a sweet taste or a salty taste? Notice the sensation as it moves around your mouth. 

Now that we have explored the five senses, it is time to center ourselves in the present moment and observe all that we are experiencing. Notice how your body feels and take a few deep breaths. Allow the breath to move through your body, allowing yourself to relax and accept the present moment. 

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