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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Hands of Healing

Updated: Jun 26

H undreds of hands reach out to touch

A lways ready to heal, never to clutch

N urturing, caring, gentle and kind

D evoted to bringing peace of mind

S miles on faces, warmth in touch

O ffering comfort, helping so much

F rom the hands of heal, love pours out

H ealing wounds, casting out doubt

E very touch, a balm to the soul

A beacon of hope, making us whole

L ifting spirits, calming fears

Hands of heal, wiping away tears

O pen hearts, open hands

Fulfilling needs, meeting demands

Compassionate touch, a healing art

Bringing comfort to every heart

Nourishing body, mind, and soul

Offering support, making us whole

Lending strength, showing care

Hands of heal, always there

Gentle hands that bring relief

Easing pain, calming grief

Touching lives in profound ways

Shining light on darkest days

A gentle touch, a soothing balm

Healing broken hearts with calm

Nurturing, caring, always true

Hands of heal, we thank you

Dedicated to those who care

With hands that heal, with love to share

Always giving, always there

Bringing hope and comfort everywhere

In times of sorrow, in times of need

The hands of heal, they plant the seed

Of kindness, love, and endless grace

In every touch, in every face

Let us honor those who heal

With hands that touch and hearts that feel

Their work is tireless, their love profound

In every patient, in every sound

The hands of heal, they never tire

Their love and care, always inspire

May we learn to be like them

Bringing healing to the world, amen

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