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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Healing is My Mission

H- Healing is my mission, my purpose, my calling

E- Every day, I strive to mend the broken

A- Assuaging pain and easing suffering

L- Lighting the path to wellness unspoken

I- In my hands, I hold the power to heal

N- Nurturing souls with empathy and zeal

G- Giving hope and comfort to those in need

I- Inside every patient, I see a spark

S- Something worth saving, worth cherishing

M- My hands are guided by a healing art

Y- Yearning to bring peace, diminishing

M- Misery and despair with every touch

I- Instilling faith in the power of love

S- Soothing wounded hearts with kindness and care

S- Swiftly moving through each challenge we face

I- Igniting the spirit, leaving no trace

O- Of doubt or fear, for healing is my grace

N- Nothing can stand in the way of my goal

H- Holding fast to the belief in the unseen

E- Embracing the mystery of life's design

A- A journey of faith, where hope reigns supreme

L- Lifting each soul to a place divine

I- In the realm of healing, miracles unfold

N- Nowhere else does the beauty of life shine

G- Giving light to the darkness, making whole

I- In the darkness, I am a beacon of light

S- Shining brightly, guiding those in need

M- My presence brings solace in the night

Y- Yielding strength to those who seek to be freed

M- My hands are a vessel of divine grace

I- Illuminating the path to a better place

S- Showing the way to a heart that's been scarred

S- Shining a light in the depths of the dark

I- Inspiring hope with each healing spark

O- Overcoming pain, mending the broken

N- Nurturing souls with words left unspoken

H- Holding the hands of those in despair

E- Easing their burdens with tender care

A- Assuring them that I'll always be there

L- Lending a voice to those who are scared

I- Igniting a flame of hope in their hearts

N- Nurturing courage, tearing through the walls

G- Giving them strength to face their own fights

I- Inside every patient, a story untold

S- Struggles and triumphs, all will unfold

M- My mission is clear, my purpose defined

Y- Yearning to heal, to comfort, to guide

M- Moving through darkness, bringing the light

I- Inspiring hope, igniting the fight

S- Standing beside them, through every plight

S- Seeking to heal, to comfort, to mend

I- In their darkest hour, I'll be their friend

O- Offering solace until the very end

N- Nurturing souls with love that won't bend

H- Healing is my mission, my journey, my quest

E- Empowering others to be at their best

A- Acknowledging pain, but refusing to rest

L- Lifting the broken, giving them zest

I- Inspiring faith in the power of love

N- Nurturing souls with grace from above

G- Giving hope to those in need of a shove

In the quiet moments of reflection

I find the strength to carry on

To continue in my mission

To heal and to bring comfort

To those who are in need

My hands are guided by love

My heart is open to all

For healing is my mission

And I will never give up

As I walk the path of healing

I am reminded of the beauty

In every soul that I touch

In every heart that I mend

There is a light that shines

A light of hope and love

And I am grateful

For the opportunity

To be a healer

To be a beacon of light

In a world that sometimes feels dark

Healing is my mission

And I will carry it out

With love and compassion

With patience and strength

I will be there for those in need

I will listen to their stories

I will hold their hands

And I will walk beside them

On their journey to wellness

For healing is not just a job

It is a calling, a purpose

A way of life

And I am grateful

For the chance to make a difference

To bring healing to those who need it

To be a source of comfort

And a beacon of hope

In a world that is often in need

Of healing and love

So I will continue on my mission

I will continue to heal

To bring comfort and peace

To those who are in pain

I will be a light in the darkness

A guide in the journey

And I will never give up

For healing is my mission

And I am proud to serve

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