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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Healing with Amethyst Bio Mat

In realms of healing's gentle embrace,

A radiant gem bestows its grace.

Amethyst, a jewel of violet hue,

Unveils the path to wellness anew.

Upon a bed of warmth, the Bio Mat lies,

A haven where tranquility lies.

Its gentle heat, like whispers of solace,

Calms the weary, brings the body's balance.

As crystals dance upon this sacred space,

A symphony of healing takes its place.

Amethyst's essence permeates the air,

Awakening senses, soothing with care.

Its energy, a balm for every soul,

Restoring harmony, making us whole.

Through layers of amethyst, we find release,

A gentle invitation to inner peace.

The Bio Mat and amethyst unite,

Bathing us in wellness, pure and bright.

With each breath, we're nurtured, our spirits mend,

As healing powers of amethyst transcend.

In this sacred union, we find our way,

To heal, to nurture, to find our own sway.

Amethyst's touch, the Bio Mat's embrace,

A journey of healing, a haven's embrace.

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