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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Healing with Somatic Movement

Updated: Apr 9

In the quiet space of the studio

where the only sound is the soft

whisper of breath and the gentle

rustle of bodies moving in rhythm

We gather in a circle, a community

of souls seeking solace in movement

and release in the fluidity of soma

The teacher stands at the center

a beacon of light and wisdom

guiding us through the pathways

of our bodies, unlocking the gates

to our deepest wounds and desires

We begin with a simple stretch

reaching our arms up to the sky

feeling the tightness in our muscles

slowly melt away under the warmth

of our own touch

We move into a series of slow

and deliberate movements

exploring the limits of our bodies

and the spaces in between

unraveling the tension that lies

hidden beneath the surface

With each breath, we sink deeper

into the well of our own being

letting go of the burdens that

have weighed us down for too long

Our bodies become a canvas

for the dance of healing

each movement a brushstroke

painting a picture of strength

and resilience

We embrace the fluidity

of our own existence

allowing ourselves to flow

with the currents of life

knowing that in movement

there is healing

As the session comes to a close

we gather in a final circle

hands clasped in unity

hearts open to the possibilities

of transformation

In this sacred space of movement

we have found a place of solace

a sanctuary for our weary souls

where healing is not just a concept

but a tangible reality

And as we leave the studio

we carry with us the light

and love that we have cultivated

through the gift of somatic movement

For in the rhythm of our bodies

lies the key to our own healing

a pathway to wholeness

and a beacon of hope in the darkness

So we dance on, embracing

the beauty of our own existence

knowing that in movement

there is freedom, there is release

and there is healing.

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