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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Healing with Venus Gong

Updated: Apr 14

In melodies sweet, the Venus Gong sings,

A symphony that the heart warmly brings.

Embracing the divine, the feminine grace,

In each note, a sacred space.

Whispers of ancient wisdom, tenderly unfold,

As the Gong’s vibrations, like secrets, are told.

A journey through realms, where spirits reside,

Guiding us to the depths, where love can’t hide.

The celestial harmonies, they gently caress,

Awakening souls, in a gentle finesse.

With each strike, a portal, to realms unseen,

Where the power of femininity reigns supreme.

In the embrace of the Gong’s ethereal sound,

The goddess within, she starts to resound.

A dance of strength, in vulnerability’s embrace,

A celebration of feminine power and grace.

So let the Venus Gong’s enchantment begin,

Let its music heal, and your spirit within.

For in embracing the divine feminine’s call,

We awaken our souls, and stand tall.

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