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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Holding Space for Myself to Feel, Move and Express Emotions

I breath into the depths of my soul, emotions swirl,

I hold space for myself to feel, to move,

To let my spirit unwind,

The highs and lows, I must not repress,

For in the ebb and flow, I find my groove,

In the depth of my soul, emotions swirl.

When sadness comes, I caress the emotions,

Allowing for my heart, my mind, my body,

To hold space for myself to feel, to move.

Anger rages like a storm, I confess

But I breathe it out, let it dissipate ,

In the depth of my soul, emotions swirl.

Happiness dances, I must address,

With joy and laughter, my spirit does improve,

To hold space for myself to feel, to move.

Fear creeps in, but I must impress

Upon myself, that it will not behoove,

In the depth of my soul, emotions swirl,

To hold space for myself to feel, to move.

I walk through the forest, feel the crunch,

Of leaves beneath my feet, the cool air,

It soothes my soul, helps me to hunch,

Myself over and release the despair,

That lingers in my heart, my mind,

I listen to the wind rustling the trees,

It whispers to me, "You're not confined,

To the darkness, you can be at ease."

I close my eyes and feel the warmth,

Of the sun upon my face, I breathe,

In deeply the scent of earth, it's charm,

Envelops me, helps me to retrieve,

Myself from the depths of despair,

I move and stretch my body, I dance,

To the rhythm of my heartbeat, I declare,

That I am alive, I will take a chance,

On myself, on my emotions, on my dreams,

I hold space for myself to grow,

To feel the pain, the joy, the extremes,

And through it all, my true self I will know.

As the sun sets, I sit in quiet reflection,

On the day that has passed, on the emotions felt,

I allow myself this time for introspection,

To heal, to grow, to let my heart melt,

Into the beauty of life, the ups and downs,

The twists and turns, the highs and lows,

I hold space for myself to wear the crowns,

Of my emotions, to let my spirit compose,

A symphony of feelings, a masterpiece,

Of vulnerability, of strength, of grace,

I embrace each moment, never cease,

To honor myself in this sacred space.

So as the night falls, I light a candle,

And send a prayer up to the sky,

Thankful for the ability to handle,

My emotions, to let them fly,

Freely within me, to express,

My true self without fear,

To hold space for myself to confess,

That I am human, flawed, yet dear.

In the depth of my soul, emotions swirl,

I hold space for myself to feel, to move,

To let my spirit unwind.

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