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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

I Walk Alone

In the depths of solitude, I stride alone,

Seeking solace in the path I roam.

Footsteps echo in the hushed embrace,

As the world around me fades, no trace.

Through winding trails and hidden lanes,

In the solitude, my spirit gains.

The whispers of nature, a gentle guide,

As I walk alone, my fears subside.

For in the silence, I find my strength,

Embracing solitude's infinite length.

No need for company, no need for sound,

In this journey of self-discovery, I'm bound.

Each step, a testament to my own existence,

A testament to resilience and persistence.

In the solitude, I'm free to be,

To wander, to wander, endlessly.

So I walk alone, but not in despair,

For I am filled with a sense of flair.

Embracing the unknown, I find my way,

In the solitude, I shape each day.

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