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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

If It Cost My Peace, It’s Too Much

In this chaotic world we live in,

Where stress and worry always seem to win,

I often find myself questioning

The price I pay for peace within.

For if it costs my sanity

And leaves me feeling drained and empty,

Is it truly worth the sacrifice?

Or am I paying far too high a price?

I search for peace in fleeting moments,

In a quiet walk through nature’s splendor,

In the embrace of a loved one’s arms,

In the gentle glow of candle’s tender

.But the peace I seek seems elusive,

Always just beyond my grasp,

Slipping through my fingers like water,

Leaving me longing for its clasp.

I see others who seem to have found

The peace I seek, so calm and serene,

And I wonder what their secret is,

What magic potion they have seen.

is it meditation or yoga,

Or perhaps a daily dose of prayer?

Is it solitude or laughter,Or simply letting go of care?

I try them all, one by one,

Hoping they will bring me peace,

But each one seems to fall short,

Leaving me feeling more at unease.

I realize that true peace

Cannot be found in external things,

But must come from deep within,

From the wellspring of our beings.

So I set out on a journey

To discover the peace within,

To quiet the chatter of my mind,

To let go of all the din.

I breathe in deep,

I close my eyes,

I feel my heartbeat slow,

And in that moment of stillness,

I feel a sense of peace grow.

I realize that peace is not

A destination to be reached

,But a state of being, a way of life,

A lesson that must be preached it,

is not something to be chased,

But something to be embraced,

A gift that we can give ourselves,

A treasure to be traced.

So if it costs my peace,

it’s too much,

For without peace, what do we have?

In a world filled with chaos and strife,

Peace is the one thing that can salve

Our weary souls, our troubled hearts,

And bring us back to center,

For if it costs my peace, it’s too much,

And worth far more than any treasure.

So I will continue on my journey,

Seeking peace in all I do,

Knowing that it is the one thing

That will always see me through.

For if it costs my peace, it’s too much,

And I will not pay the price,

For peace is the most precious gift,

And worth any sacrifice.

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