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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

In the Pursuit of Inner Peace

In the pursuit of inner peace,

Navigating through life’s ceaseless noise,

Tranquility seems out of reach,

Embracing chaos, finding poise,

Revitalize the soul’s true voice.

Patience is the key, to find

Understanding beyond the mind.

Resting in the stillness, unwind,

Striving for peace, we leave behind

Ego’s chatter, fears confined.

In moments of quiet contemplation,

Never-ending search for elation,

Nurturing the spirit’s liberation,

Engaging in self-preservation,

Reconnecting with our foundation.

Paths to peace are varied and diverse,

Earthy pleasures, or cosmic universe,

Achieving harmony, a lifelong curse,

Cultivating love, the universe,

Ever-flowing source of our rebirth.

Seeking solace in nature’s embrace,

Self-care rituals, finding grace,

Inner journey, a sacred space,

Navigating with gentle pace,

Elevating our hearts to face.

Resilient in the face of turmoil,

Pristine waters, life’s precious coil.

Intentions set, a life to foil,

Seeking refuge in the soil,

Enlightened by inner turmoil.

Endless waves of inner unrest,

Needing to find moments of rest,

Reviving the soul, we do our best,

Pursuing peace, a noble quest,

In the calm, we are truly blessed.

Now in the silence we find release,

Notions of peace, as we increase,

Endless possibilities, a masterpiece,

Restoring balance, our inner lease,

In the pursuit of inner peace.

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