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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Into the River

Updated: Jun 26

In "Into the River," symbolism and vivid imagery play a crucial role in conveying the emotional depth and transformative power of the poem. By exploring the metaphorical significance of the river as a symbol of life's journey and the flow of emotions, Julie Jewels Smoot leads readers on a reflective path towards self-discovery and renewal. The gentle currents and serene waters depicted in the poem serve as a metaphor for inner peace and growth.

Into the river I go,

Where the water flows,

Carrying me gently,

With the current that knows.

The sun shines above,

Glistening on the surface,

I close my eyes,

Feeling its warm embrace.

I surrender to the rhythm,

Of the water's song,

As it whispers secrets,

That have been hidden for so long.

In this liquid embrace,

I let go of my fears,

And feel a sense of peace,

As I release my tears.

Into the river I merge,

Becoming one with the flow,

Finding solace in its depths,

And allowing my spirit to grow.

So let me drift away,

Into the river's embrace,

And find my strength,

In its gentle grace.

And as I float downstream,

I am surrounded by nature's beauty,

The chirping of birds,

The rustle of trees.

I am free from worry,

Free from the noise,

In this tranquil moment,

I find my inner voice.

The water carries me,

Wherever it may go,

And I trust in its wisdom,

As I continue to grow.

So into the river I go,

With peace in my heart,

Embracing the flow,

And never wanting to depart.

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