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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Intuition: Healing Poetry

Updated: Aug 17

Intuition, a whisper of the soul

Guiding us in times of confusion and doubt

A sixth sense, a gut feeling

Leading us towards the right path

It speaks to us in subtle ways

A feeling in our gut, a tingling in our spine

A sense of knowing, of deep understanding

A connection to something greater than ourselves

Intuition is our inner compass

Our innate wisdom, our guiding light

It helps us navigate life’s twists and turns

And make decisions with clarity and insight

Sometimes we ignore it, brush it off

But it never steers us wrong

It knows what we truly desire

And what is best for our soul

Listen to your intuition, it whispers

It knows the way when our minds are clouded

It is the voice of our higher self

Guiding us towards our true purpose

Trust in the wisdom of your intuition

It is a gift that we all possess

A beacon of light in times of darkness

A guiding force in a world of uncertainty

So listen closely to that inner voice

And let it guide you on your journey

For intuition is the language of the soul

And it will never lead you astray.

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