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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Journey into My Heart

In the stillness of the early morning,

As the sun begins its ascent,

I embark on a journey into my heart,

A place where truth and wisdom are meant.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply,

Allowing the rhythm of my breath

To guide me deeper within,

To the core of my very being.

I am met with a rush of emotions,

Some warm and comforting,

Others cold and unsettling,

But all necessary for growth.

I navigate through the labyrinth of my past,

Tracing the scars and wounds that have shaped me,

Yet finding beauty in the healing that has taken place,

And strength in the lessons I have learned.

I encounter moments of pure joy and love,

Like a gentle breeze on a summer day,

Filling me with gratitude and peace,

Reminding me of the beauty of life.

But there are also shadows lurking,

Memories of pain and regret,

Whispers of doubt and fear,

Challenging me to confront them head-on.

I embrace these darker aspects of myself,

Realizing that they too are a part of who I am,

And that by acknowledging them,

I can release their hold on me.

As I delve deeper into my heart,

I uncover hidden dreams and desires,

Longings that have been buried beneath the surface,

Waiting patiently to be brought to light.

I feel a surge of courage and determination,

A fire igniting within me,

Driving me to pursue my passions,

And live a life that is truly fulfilling.

With each step I take on this journey,

I am reminded of the power that lies within me,

The strength to overcome any obstacle,

And the capacity to love fiercely and unconditionally.

As the sun reaches its peak in the sky,

I emerge from the depths of my heart,

Feeling renewed and invigorated,

Ready to face whatever challenges come my way.

For I now know that the greatest journey of all,

Is the one that leads me back to myself,

To the core of my being,

Where I find my truest sense of purpose and belonging.

And so I carry on, with a heart full of hope,

And a spirit that knows no bounds,

Embracing each moment as a gift,

And grateful for the chance to journey into my heart.

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