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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Journey into the Divine

A journey to Divine, a path unknown

A quest for answers, a seed to be sown

Through valleys of darkness, and mountains of doubt

I seek the light, to find my way out

The road ahead, a winding trail

Through forests of fear, and rivers of wail

I travel alone, yet not forsaken

As I walk this path, my spirit awaken

I hear the whispers of the wind

The rustling leaves, a message within

Guiding me on, with gentle hand

To a place where only angels stand

I see the stars, shining bright

Guiding me through the endless night

Their celestial light, a beacon of hope

A guiding force, helping me cope

I feel the warmth of the sun

A golden ray, when the day is done

It warms my soul, fills me with peace

A divine embrace, a sweet release

I taste the salt of the sea

As I sail on waves, wild and free

The ocean’s roar, a symphony

Of endless beauty, surrounding me

I smell the fragrance of flowers

Their sweet perfume, a heavenly shower

A symphony of colors, a feast for the senses

A divine creation, no pretenses

I touch the earth beneath my feet

Its solid ground, a steady beat

Grounding me in reality

A foundation of strength and clarity

I sense the presence of the Divine

In every moment, in every sign

A guiding force, a higher power

Leading me through this sacred hour

This journey to Divine, a sacred quest

To find the truth, to be my best

To reach the heavens, to touch the stars

To find the peace that heals all scars

So I walk this path, with faith and grace

Embracing each moment, with an open space

To connect with the Divine, in all its beauty

And to find my true purpose, my sacred duty

For the journey to Divine, is a path of light

A journey of love, of truth, of might

And as I walk this path, I know

That I am never truly alone

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