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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Journey into the Sacred

Updated: May 20

Journey into the sacred, a path to unveil,

Open our minds and hearts, let the truth prevail.

Unraveling mysteries, seeking divine light,

Radiant wisdom shining through the darkest night.

Nestled in silence, where souls find solace.

Experiencing the sacred, a divine promise.

Inward exploration, our spirits take flight,

Nurturing our souls with pure love and insight.

The eternal quest, a dance with the sublime,

Omnipresent guidance, weaving through time.

The whispers of the divine, a sacred symphony,

Healing vibrations, resonating in harmony.

Ever-evolving, we embark with courage and grace,

Sacred encounters revealing truths we embrace.

Acquainting with our essence, a sacred reunion,

Cleansing our spirits, like a baptismal communion.

Redemption and forgiveness, a sacred refrain,

Entering sacred spaces, where souls are born again.

Diving into depths of the sacred unknown,

Into the sacred, we find our truest home.

Voyaging through sacred realms, transcending the mundane,

In every step, sacredness shall remain.

Navigating the sacred, with reverence and care,

To find the divine essence that always was there.

Invigorating our spirits, igniting the flame,

New perspectives unfold, as we shed the old name.

Transforming within, as the sacred unfolds,

Opening our hearts, as the sacred story is told.

Sacred transformation, a journey to behold.

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