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  • Writer's pictureJ.S. Worldbridger

Journey to the Core of Sacred Feminine Liberation

Updated: Jun 26

Have you ever felt the call to awaken the deep-seated energies that fuel your spirit? Join me, Julie Jewels Smoot, on a profound sound healing experience where I unveil 'The Inward Journey of the Divine Feminine', a heartfelt poem from my own explorations of self-discovery and empowerment. This episode is not just a recitation but an invitation to witness the blooming of your kundalini, ignite your third eye, and unleash the wildness within. It's a celebration of the raw, powerful essence that lies in embracing the sacred feminine energy that we all possess.

Together, we'll embark on an immersive journey, using affirmations and the resonant sounds of healing instruments to align your being with the universe's boundless love. Close your eyes and let the vibrations ground you into Mother Earth's embrace as we chant and breathe our way towards liberation and authenticity. I'll guide your spirit through the nurturing, transformative process where you'll emerge as a goddess, an empowered warrior, ready to speak your truth and step into the light with an open heart. Join this shared sacred space, and let's unlock the courage that is your birthright. Namaste, and welcome to the pathway of healing and empowerment.

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