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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Knowing When to have Boundaries to Protect Yourself

In this chaotic world,

filled with uncertainty and fear,

we must learn to set boundaries

to protect ourselves from harm.

Boundaries are like fences

around our hearts and minds,

keeping out the negativity

and allowing only love to enter.

But knowing when to have boundaries

can be a delicate dance,

a balancing act of self-preservation

and open-heartedness.

We must learn to listen to our instincts,

to trust our intuition

and know when it’s time

to draw a line in the sand.

For boundaries are not walls

that keep others out,but rather bridges

that connect us to our true selves.

They are a reflection of our self-worth,

a declaration of our value

and a reminder to others

that we deserve respect.

Boundaries are a form of self-care,

a way to protect our mental health

and safeguard our emotional well-being

from toxic influences.

But setting boundaries can be difficult,

especially when we fear rejection

or worry about hurting others’ feelings.

But we must remember,

that we are not responsible

for how others react to our boundaries,

only for how we uphold them

and protect ourselves.

So let us be brave

and stand firm in our boundaries,

knowing that we are worthy

of respect and love.

For when we honor ourselves

and protect our hearts,

we create space for

true connection and fulfillment.

So let us embrace our boundaries

as a gift to ourselves,

a way to show the world

that we are strong and deserving.

And may we always remember

that boundaries are not walls,

but rather doors

that open to our true selves.

So let us step through those doors

with confidence and grace,

knowing that we are worthy

of all the love and respect in the world.

For when we know when to set boundaries

and when to protect ourselves,

we can truly live

with open hearts and minds.

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