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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Labyrinth of Inner Space

Updated: Aug 5

In the labyrinth of inner space

The mind begins to race

Lost in a maze of thoughts and dreams

Where nothing is as it seems

The twists and turns of our mind

Can leave us feeling confined

In a world of our own creation

Caught in a cycle of frustration

We search for an escape

A way out of this mental landscape

But the walls close in on all sides

And hope slowly subsides

Each decision we make

Leads us further into the maze

A wrong turn here, a dead end there

We're trapped in this nightmare

But deep within the labyrinth

There lies a secret path

A hidden doorway to the light

That will guide us through the night

It requires courage to face

The darkness within this space

To confront our fears head on

And emerge stronger when they're gone

Through the twists and turns we go

Navigating this mental flow

With every step we take

We come closer to awake

The journey through inner space

Is not for the faint of heart

But those who persevere

Will find a brand new start

So let us press on

Through the labyrinth of our mind

And emerge on the other side

Stronger, wiser, more refined.

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