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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Let us Honor those who Heal

Updated: May 27

Let us honor those who heal

E very soul in need of care

T o heal the wounds, to ease the pain

U nselfish hearts, always there

S elflessly they tend to others

H olding space for every tear

O ffering comfort in the darkness

Wiping away all doubt and fear

H eroes in scrubs, day and night

O n the front lines, fighting the fight

H ealing hands, hearts full of grace

E mbracing those in the toughest place

A ngels in disguise, unseen but near

L istening with empathy, wiping away each tear

T hank you, healers, for all you do

H onoring your dedication, your spirit shines through

O nward you go, tirelessly giving your all

S elfless and true, answering the call

W e salute your bravery, your endless devotion

H ealing the broken, with unwavering emotion

O ur gratitude knows no bounds, for everything you do

H ere's to the healers, our heroes in blue

E very patient you touch, every life you mend

A testament to your compassion, a healer until the end

L et us honor those who heal, with hearts so kind and true

L ifting others up, shining light on all they do

In every hospital room, in every clinic hall

Nurturing the sick, answering the call

Gentle hands that soothe, warm hearts that care

Offering hope and healing, love beyond compare

Reaching out with empathy, understanding the pain

Healing not just bodies, but spirits once again

Ever steadfast, ever strong, in the face of despair

Always there to comfort, always showing they care

Let us honor those who heal, the unsung heroes of our time

Dedicating their lives to others, a mission so sublime

Embracing every challenge, with courage and grace

Never seeking recognition, just a smile on a weary face

Throughout the highs and lows, the triumphs and the trials

Their commitment never wavers, their compassion never tires

Healing not just wounds, but souls in need of care

Let us honor those who heal, for their love beyond compare.

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