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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Listen to the Whispers of Your Heart

Beach with red heart in sand and waves Credit Pexels

The noise and chaos of everyday life can be overwhelming.

There is a voice that speaks with such pride.

It whispers softly, gentle and kind

Guiding us, our hearts to find

Listen closely, do you hear?

The beating of your heart so near

It sings a song of joy and love

A peace that fits us like a glove

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life

We often ignore this voice, causing strife

But if we stop and take a breath

We'll hear the whispers, loud and clear, not death

For the heart knows what the mind cannot see

It holds the key to being free

To live a life of purpose and grace

To find our own unique place

So when you're feeling lost and alone

Remember to listen to the whispers that have grown

Inside your heart, waiting to be heard

To guide you with each and every word

They'll lead you on a path so true

To dreams that once seemed out of view

They'll show you the beauty of the world around

And the strength within that knows no bound

So listen closely, my friend, to the whispers of your heart

For they hold the power to heal and impart

A wisdom that's been there all along

A melody that's sweeter than any song

Trust in yourself and all you can be

Embrace the whispers and set yourself free

For in the end, it's your heart that will guide

And lead you to a place where dreams abide

So let go of fear and doubt that tear apart

And listen to the whispers of your heart.

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