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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Listen to Your Body

Listen to your body, it knows what you need

In every muscle, in every cell, it pleads

Stay attuned to its whispers and its cries

Too often we ignore, to our own demise

Embrace the signals it sends, heed its call

Now is the time to listen, once and for all

To listen to your body means to respect

Its rhythms and needs, never neglect

The signs it gives when something's amiss

And take action before it becomes a crisis

Your body is a temple, treat it with care

Only then will you truly be aware

The body speaks in subtle ways

Hints and clues throughout your days

Yearning for rest, begging for sleep

Begging for nourishment, for that extra leap

Open your ears and heed its plea

Do what's best to set it free

Remember to breathe deeply, in and out

Your body craves fresh air, no doubt

Listen to your heart, its gentle beat

Give it what it needs, a loving treat

Yearn for movement, for exercise

Observe the changes, the surprise

Understand the language of your body

Realize that it's never too shoddy

Eager to communicate its every thought

Embrace its wisdom, don't let it rot

Soak in the messages it sends your way

Start listening now, without delay

Take a moment to quiet your mind

Okay, let your thoughts unwind

Your body speaks in ways that are quiet

But if you listen closely, you'll be enlightened

Every ache and pain has a story to tell

So pay attention, it knows you well

Your body is a marvel, a thing of wonder

Only you possess it, no one can plunder

Understand its limits, its capabilities

Remember to nurture its abilities

Don't take it for granted, it's a gift

Yes, listen to your body, give it a lift

Remember to nourish your body with wholesome food

Ordinary fruits and veggies, eat what's good

Bite into an apple, savor a leafy green

Your body will thank you, you'll feel serene

Sink your teeth into a juicy peach

Observe as your body soars within reach

Drink water throughout the day

Yawning for a drink, thirsty feelings replay

Brew some tea or sip on some soup

You will feel refreshed, ready to recoup

Embrace the hydration, your body will sing

Such a simple act, such a beautiful thing

Your body craves balance, listen well

Observe how it thrives, how it excels

Dance to the rhythm of your own beat

Yes, listen to your body, take a seat

Only you know what it truly needs

Take the time to listen, plant the seeds

Being in tune with your body is a gift

Open your mind, give it a lift

Dive deep into the sensations it sends

Yes, listen to your body, make amends

Open your heart to its silent plea

Start listening now, you will soon see

You hold the key to your body's song

Only you can truly know where you belong

Understand its needs, embrace its grace

Remember to listen, in every place

Don't ignore the whispers, the calls within

Yes, listen to your body, let it begin

Remember, your body is your own

Only you can truly be shown

Bestow upon it the love it deserves

Yearn for its health, its curves

Observe the changes, the shifts within

Dive deep into the body you're in

Yes, listen to your body, it knows best

Offer it love, give it rest

Understand its language, its needs

Remain attuned to its pleas

Dedicate yourself to its care

You'll find true peace, beyond compare

So take the time to truly listen

To the vessel where your soul has risen

Only you can truly know what it requires

Remember to feed it with love, not desires

Dive deep into your body's own song

Yearn for its health, its life-long

Now is the time to start anew

Observe the wonders within you

Understand the messages it sends

Realize that your body never pretends

Nourish it with love and care

And listen to the whispers, everywhere

Begin the journey to true self-awareness

Observe the beauty, the rawness

Dive deep into your body's needs

Yes, listen to your body, let it lead

Start now, don't wait another day

Your body knows the way.

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