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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Living with Authentic Self

Living with your authentic self,

A journey of discovery and growth,

Embracing all that makes you unique,

Unraveling layers of masks and falsehoods,

Unveiling the true essence within.

It begins with a quiet whisper,

A gentle urging from deep within,

To peel back the veneer of expectations,

To cast off the shackles of conformity,

And stand boldly in your own truth.

It’s not always an easy path to tread,

For society’s pressures can be strong,

But the rewards of authenticity are boundless,

A sense of freedom and inner peace,

A connection to your soul’s deepest desires.

Living authentically means honoring your values,

Staying true to your beliefs and principles,

Even when it’s not the popular choice,

Even when it requires courage and conviction,

Knowing that your integrity is worth more than approval.

It means embracing your flaws and imperfections

,Seeing them not as weaknesses, but as strengths,

For they make you human, relatable, real,

And in their acceptance, you find liberation,

No longer weighed down by the burden of perfection.

Living authentically is a practice of self-love,

Of treating yourself with kindness and compassion,

Of listening to your body, mind, and spirit,

And giving yourself the care and attention you deserve,

For you are worthy of love, just as you are.

It’s about trusting your intuition,

Following the whispers of your heart,

Even when logic and reason protest,

For your inner wisdom knows the way,

And will lead you to the life you were meant to live.

Living authentically is a journey of self-discovery,

Of uncovering the layers of conditioning,

That have shaped your beliefs and behavior,

And choosing to rewrite your story,

In alignment with your true essence.

It’s about being vulnerable and authentic,

Openly expressing your thoughts and feelings,

Without fear of judgment or rejection,

Knowing that your truth is a gift,

That can inspire and empower others.

Living authentically is a revolutionary act,

A rebellion against the status quo,

A declaration of independence from societal norms,

And a reclaiming of your own power and agency,

To live life on your own terms.

So embrace the wild, untamed essence within,

Let it guide you on the path to authenticity,

And revel in the freedom that comes,

From living as your true, authentic self,

For it is a gift to be cherished and celebrated.

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