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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot


In the quiet hush of early morning,

The melody of birdsong fills the air,

A symphony of nature’s own composing,

An intricate tapestry woven with care.

Each note hangs in the air like a delicate thread,

Connecting us to the world around,

A gentle reminder of the beauty that lies ahead

In every sound, a story can be found.

The wind whispers through the leaves,

A soft lullaby of rustling trees,

The melody of the earth, a soothing balm,

For troubled hearts, a healing salve.

The rhythmic beat of a distant drum,

Echoes through the valley, loud and clear,

A call to arms, a cry for freedom,

A melody that demands to be heard.

As the day wears on, the melody shifts,

From the tranquil morning to the bustling afternoon,

The cacophony of city streets, a vibrant rift,

A discordant symphony of modern tune.

Car horns blare, sirens wail,

The incessant chatter of the crowd,

An urban melody, chaotic and frail,

A melody that’s both harsh and loud.

But even in the midst of chaos and strife,

There is a melody that persists,

A quiet hum of inner life,

A melody that cannot be dismissed.

It’s the beating of your heart, steady and true,

The rhythm of your breath, the melody of you,

Each day a new verse in the song of your life,

A melody that transcends both joy and strife.

So let the melody of life wash over you,

Like a gentle rain, like a soothing breeze,

Let it lift you up when you are feeling blue,

And carry you through life’s unease.

For in the melody of life, we are all connected,

To each other, to the earth, to the sky,

And in its harmonious song, we are perfected,

A symphony of love that will never die.

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