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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

North Star

In the vast expanse of the night sky,

A beacon of hope shines bright,

Guiding lost souls through darkness,

A constant companion in the endless night.

North Star, steadfast and true,

A celestial compass for those in need,

A shimmering light in the midst of chaos,

A symbol of strength and stability.

As the world spins on its axis,

The North Star remains unmoved,

A fixed point in the ever-changing universe,

A source of guidance for all who seek.

For centuries, sailors have relied on its light,

Navigating treacherous seas with ease,

Trusting in the North Star’s unwavering glow,

To lead them safely to their destination.

In a world full of uncertainty and doubt,

The North Star serves as a beacon of hope

,A reminder that there is always a way forward,

No matter how dark the night may seem.

Its light pierces through the blackest skies

,A reminder of the enduring power of faith,

A symbol of perseverance and resilience,

A reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always light.

As the world around us changes and shifts,

The North Star remains a constant

,A timeless reminder of the beauty and wonder,

Of the natural world that surrounds us.

So let us look to the North Star,

And find inspiration in its steadfast glow,

For in its light we find solace

,And in its guidance we find strength to go on.

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