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  • Writer's pictureJulie Jewels Smoot

Piece of Mind

Pleasing is the peace of mind

In a chaotic world, so hard to find

Endless thoughts racing through my head

Causing stress and worry, filling me with dread

Everyday struggles weighing me down

Seeking solace, a haven to be found

Overflowing with anxiety and fear

Finding calmness seems so near

Minutes turn to hours, hours to days

In the search for peace, my heart sways

Nurturing my soul, seeking inner peace

Drowning out the noise, the worries cease

Many distractions try to pull me away

Inducing chaos in my mind each day

Never-ending battles fought within

Desiring tranquility, a welcomed din

Seeking stillness, a quiet place

Immersing in peace, a calming space

Never-ending thoughts spinning round

Drowning out peace, nowhere to be found

In the midst of chaos, a glimmer of hope

Nurturing my mind, finding ways to cope

Discovering the power of a peaceful state

My troubled mind, learning to alleviate

Endless worries, fears, and doubts

Seeking refuge, no more shout

Silencing the noise, finding calm

Immersing in peace, like a healing balm

Nourishing my soul, restoring my peace

Diminishing worries, finding release

Mindful practices bring me peace

in meditation, my worries decrease

Nourishing my spirit, finding rest

Drifting into calmness, feeling blessed

Seeking tranquility in a hectic world

Silencing the chaos, letting my mind unfurl

Encased in stillness, a sense of ease

Moments of calmness, like a gentle breeze

In the quiet, my thoughts subside

No longer drowning in the tide

Discovering the power of a peaceful mind

Embracing serenity, leaving chaos behind

Finding solace in moments of quiet

Easing the tension, feeling the relief

Yearning for peace in a world so riot

Meditating in stillness, finding belief

Immersing in tranquility, letting go

Nurturing my mind, letting peace flow

Dwelling in a state of calm

In the midst of chaos, finding a balm

Soothing my soul, easing the strain

Mindfulness practices, finding my lane

Immersing in peace, a welcomed reprieve

Nourishing my spirit, learning to believe

Embracing the peace within

Cleansing my mind from all the din

Endlessly seeking solace in stillness

Miraculous moments of mental illness

Bringing tranquility to my troubled soul

Nurturing peace, making myself whole

Seeking serenity in a hectic world

Opening my heart as it unfurled

Moment by moment, finding peace

Indulging in stillness, letting worries cease

Nurturing my spirit, finding rest

Drowning out the noise, feeling blessed

In the depths of chaos, finding peace

Seeking solace, finding release

Mindful practices, calming the mind

Diminishing worries, leaving them behind

Embracing tranquility in a hectic world

Nourishing my soul, finding peace untold

Embracing the peace within my mind

Cultivating stillness, leaving chaos behind

Navigating through the stormy seas

Tranquility found in moments of ease

Immersing in calmness, finding quietude

Nurturing my soul, finding gratitude

Delving into the depths of my soul

Embracing peace as my ultimate goal

Seeking solace in moments of stillness

Mastering the art of mental wellness

Immersing in tranquility, finding peace

Nurturing my spirit, letting worries cease

Practicing mindfulness, finding peace of mind

In the chaos of life, a sanctuary to find

Encouraging stillness, calming the storm

Cleansing my soul, feeling reborn

Embracing serenity, letting go of fear

Nurturing my spirit, finding peace near

In the quiet of my mind, peace resides

Navigating through chaos, finding peace inside

Grasping onto tranquil moments, letting worries subside

Seeking solace in stillness, finding peace to abide

Embracing tranquility, soothing my restless soul

Nurturing peace, finding my inner whole

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